🐰 Compati-buddy

UI/UX: App Ideation and Creation

Compati-Buddy is a community-building app for college students seeking authentic connections through friendships and/or relationships, whatever they choose.






Katherine Sun
Madi Chow



Product Design
Illustration and Branding
UX Research



72 hours

My team and I competed in SB Creative Lab's 2023 Designathon, where participants are tasked with creating an app that addresses the given prompt within a 72 hour time-frame. The prompt and goal of this Designathon was to to create a mobile app that aims to connect college students and build authentic relationships (platonically and romantically) while providing a safe experience. After conducting research and analyzing our target audience, my team and I decided to create an app called "Compati-buddy" that fostered both platonic and romantic relationships through a individual's compatibillity with other users on the app.

Design Sprint

Reflection and Ponderings

After the 72 hour duration of this project, I was very proud of both my team and myself for creating an app from start to finish in such a short time frame. While this was not my first time using Figma, this project allowed me to become even more confident with this software tool. While I thought our team worked well with each other and were receptive to feedback, I wish we spent more time delegating tasks. Because we were on such a time crunch, dividing the tasks based on our own strengths and weaknesses would have been a lot more efficient. Overall, this project allowed me to utilize the design and ui/ux skills I have gained throughout college, as well as note areas of growth.

View prototype here